Monday, July 22, 2013

Emmett turned 2.

it's official. 
actually, it was a while ago. 
May 28th to be exact
my baby is two. 
some call it the dreaded twos....or terrible twos...
but this is one of my favorite ages! 
he is just a charmer. 
always happy, 
always smiling. 
and when he's crying or having a tantrum he'll walk himself to a corner, calm down, and say "Happy!" 
(yep, he puts himself in time-out till he's "happy!" haha. talk about good coping skills....i make my prediction, he'll be a therapist!) 
he still has big juicy cheeks that i continue to squeeze and cover with kisses. 
his laugh is contagious and he can get the whole family going. 
and because he's just the greatest...
we bought him a tramp! 
and not just any ol'-find-at-walmart-tramp
but an old baby blue Olympic tramp that has years of memories with my family. 
and that's just awesome!

Happy Birthday little e. we sure love you! :) 

1 comment:

brenda said...

Love that kid!!! however I need to make that feeling mutual, he just does not think I am cool :(